Monday, August 9, 2010

Small Business Jobs and Credit Act of 2010; By: Zane Butter

If there is one thing that Democrats and Republicans agree upon at this moment is that steps must be taken to get the American economy back on track. The finance committee discussed and revised the Small Business and Credit Act today in order to pass a bill that could possibly be one of many steps to revitalize the economy. This bill focused specifically on banks’ lending to small businesses that they can trust. As it appeared today, both the Democrats and Republicans agreed that they want to pass this bill but their main objective was to revise and take out parts of this bill that they saw need fit in order for this bill to be the most effective if it were to be signed by the president. They also said that this bill would have priority over the previous bills they have discussed and sent to the floor for debate.

Article over the Committee on Environment and Public Works; By: Will Merritt and Travis Russell

Over the course of two days, the Committee on Environment and Public works came to a decision about what their course of action will be. They decided that all of the bills except the Green Infrastructure for Clean Water Act of 2010 were not passable. This act calls institutions that will conduct research on green infrastructure that is relevant to the geographical region in which the center is located, develop manuals and establish industry standards on best management practices, and provide information regarding research conducted to the national electronic clearinghouse center for publication. Other uses for this amendment will be the power for administrators to carry out this bill, to get money for these institutions, and shall established an Office of Water that will regulate actions of the green infrastructure program.

The committee had overall unanimous decisions for amending the bill. Most of the changes were shortening phrases and cutting out information that was either irrelevant or repetitive. The republicans, though, were not happy about the money that was needed for the bill. They thought that the 3 million dollars for single grants was too much. Ultimately they were turned down by a simple majority vote. Overall, the passing of the bill was very smooth for both parties.

Video of Finance Committee meeting; By Jackson Coon and Zane Butter

H.E.L.P. committee hearing on August 9, 2010 by Kary Guthrie

Today, in the H.E.L.P. committee hearing, the bill, H.R. 2749 – Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009, underwent several amendments. One of the markups suggested by Senator Franken included the omission of section 122, which stated that the Secretary design and implement a national public education program on food safety. Senators questioned whether this section was beneficial to learn in school and what the proposed budget cost to implement this bill would be. The majority of the Senators concluded that food safety and education was self-evident and of little importance. For the past two hearings, the H.E.L.P. committee passed all three bills with amendments to only the Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009.

In regards to tonight’s floor session, Committee Chair, Tom Harkin, and Ranking member, Michael Enzi, is anticipating the Student Internet Safety Act of 2009 to pass through Congress. They remained hopeful, but not certain, to the passing of H.R. 780 and H.R. 2749.

Update on the Finance Committee; By Jackson Coon and Zane Butter

On Thursday August 5th the Finance committee met to debate a number of bills. They first brought up the Veteran’s Bill, which is basically supporting America’s veterans and providing them unemployment benefits and better credit. The bill expands the veterans who are applicable to ensure that all of them get accounted for. The republican from Arizona wanted psychological benefits and screenings for returning veterans to be mandatory but the majority of the committee felt it would be unconstitutional to do so. The committee felt that this could make veterans feel unsecure and make the situation worse. After reviewing the bill the committee voted for the bill to be floor ready and moved on to possibly the most important bill up for debate, the Small Business and Credit Act. This bill basically allows for Small Businesses who have the credit for loans to apply and receive benefits. The benefits are ensured to small businesses by a set of guidelines and procedures to restrict larger businesses from receiving the loans. The meeting concluding with the bill still up for voting and was to be continued at the next meeting.

Bingeman Takes a Cat Nap

As all members of committees and Congressmen know the process of passing legislation can be long and often sometimes quite boring. But when it comes to passing important legislation that has to do with reviving our struggling American economy, should we expect for our committee members to be awake and passionate about the passing of the Small Business and Credit Act? Yes we should but for Congressmen Bingeman, I guess he doesn’t feel the same way as he catches some Z’s during the committee meeting discussing the Small Business and Credit Act today.

interview with Committee Chair Barabara Boxer and Ranking member James M. Inhofe, by Travis Russell

interview with Chair Tom Harkin and Ranking Michael B. Enzi, by Kary Guthrie

Friday, August 6, 2010, Committee of Environment and Public Works

Vice President Joe Biden with President Barack Obama

Vice President, Joe Biden Interviewed by Kary Guthrie, Travis Russell, and Will Merritt

Bileili Villegas interviews Senators Carl Levin and Scott Brown

Meetings ran smoothly Thursday, August 5th. Republicans were pushing to get progress done while democrats helped to break majority vote.

Update on the Environment and Public Works Committee; By: Travis Russell and Will Merritt

Environment and Public Works Committee meeting #1:

On Friday, this committee originally wanted to combine the Clean Estuaries Act of 2010 and Green Infrastructure for Clean Water Act of 2010 bills in order to appeal to more people on a broader base. After some discussion Barbara Boxer, chair of the committee, concluded that each bill should remain separate. The remainder of the meeting involved discussions amending the Clean Estuaries Bill and removing any repetitive information. Check later for updates on this committee's results..

To see these bills, refer to the following links:



Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions

Monday, August 2, 2010

Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009; By: Jackson Coon

Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009
This bill is currently in committee and will be a great success if it is passed and turned into law. The Act is beneficial to all citizens and provides a sense of comfort to the consumer when they eat and assures them of a safe meal wherever they choose to eat. Food agencies do not have strict enough regulations on how their food is obtained, processed and transported and this act sets down those standards in order to have a safer and more consumer friendly food industry. It sets guidelines for all registered food manufacturers, industries and international businesses which will eventually create a safer food department in the United States.
The bill is thorough and direct with the regulations that the federal government wants on these food industries. For example: The bill requires any food facility to implement a food safety plan before any shipment of products, it also states that food facilities must be inspected on a risk-based schedule and requires the secretary to implement a food and safety program. These are just some of the many requirements and revisions that have been place in the bill. The bill is split into two Titles, Food Safety and Miscellaneous. Food Safety is split into three subtitles, Prevention, Intervention and Response. Prevention is mainly about the regulation of the facilities and preventing unsafe materials into these industries. Intervention prescribes a series of tasks that the secretary must do in order to improve sanitation of facilities and to get the message across about how serious food safety is to the success of a business. Response focuses on the penalties and punishments that will be given out if the food facilities do not abide by the restrictions set forth by this bill. Title two is primarily about the little details that the facilities must go by like how all industries must have their own label so that the industries who receive their product know that they got the right regulated food.
This bill is very in depth and specific but the regulations involved in it will have an immediate impact on the food industries. This will decrease the amount of diseases in our country and the food market will finally be trustworthy. If this bill doesn’t get passed then we as Americans have lost a great opportunity to take a stand against unregulated and unsafe food.

Dextromethorphan Distribution Act of 2009; By: Cesar Najera

Dextromethorphan Distribution Act of 2009
The Dextromethorphan Distribution Act of 2009 is a bill that was introduced the third day of March in 2009, it was primarily sponsored by Rep. Fred Upton and co-sponsored by Reps: (Bono Mack, Mary), (Gordon, Bart), (Ehlers, Vernon J.), and (Larsen, Rick). The Dextromethorphan Distribution act is also referred to as H.R. 1259. This act would prohibit anyone who is not a licensed pharmacist, a person who is authorized to work with pharmaceuticals in distribution or manufacture, and anyone else who is not authorized in any way by the Secretary of Health and Human Services from distributing unfinished dextromethorphan. Dextromethorphan is the active ingredients contained in many over the counter cough medicines the most common being Robitussin. The drug has become subject to being abused in recent years especially by teenagers and young adults. Unfinished dextromethorphan is dextromethorphan that is not already in a finished dosage form such as in powder form. Exclusions from the above prohibitions would be common carriers which are defined as being persons, who are involved in the transportation of the general population by means of aircraft, vessels, or vehicles from one place in the United States to another place in the United States. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has estimated that to implement H.R. 1259 would cost about a million dollars during 2010 and about eleven million dollars from 2010-2014. To enact this bill could affect direct spending and revenues of the federal government however the estimate of the effects appears to not have any drastic significance. The government will also be collecting fines from those who have been convicted of having violated the bill. The fines collected would be recorded as revenues and then deposited in the Crime Victims Fund. The CBO does not expect to gain any significant sums from the fines because of the small number of cases that are likely to have anything to do with a violation of the bill. H.R. 1259 effect on the private sector would involve a verification process that would cause additional work for sellers but the cost would not be significant. The bill would not have any direct effects on local, state, and tribal government as there are no intergovernmental laws to be enacted along with this bill. As of the first of April in 2009 this bill has been read twice in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

Stationary Source Regulations Delay Act and Migratory Bird Treaty Act Penalty and Enforcement Act of 2009; By: Zane Butter

Migratory Bird Treaty Act Penalty and Enforcement Act of 2009
Introduced to the House on April 23, 2009, the MBTAPE Act of 2009 was created to establish the consequences of killing or wounding a migratory bird in an aggravated manner. This bill establishes the exact jail terms for wounding or killing a migratory bird and also defines the term “aggravated manner.” This act was referred to the House Committee on Natural Resources and the Subcommittee on Insular Affairs, Oceans and Wildlife. This bill was also looked over by the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. Reported by Committee on November 18, 2009, this bill was then passed by the House on December 7 later that year. The last action that has been placed on this bill was on April 21, 2010 when the committee on Environment and Public Works ordered the bill to be reported without amendment favorably.
First introduced by Democrat Representative Peter Defazio along with eighteen other cosponsors, this bill has particular significance during the time of the oil spill and the affects this spill had on the environment down in the Gulf Coast. The new MBTAPE Act is an add on to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 as it explains the penalties for those intentionally and maliciously “take” any migratory bird in any way not allowed by the Act guilty of felony and subject to a fine of up to $50,000 and/or imprisonment for up to two years. By making these penalties harsher, this should be of great benefit to migratory birds such as the Bald Eagle, the Red-tailed Hawk, and the Ruby-throated Hummingbird and hundreds of other migratory birds.
Other than making harsher penalties for those who harm migratory birds, this bill would have no significant cost to the federal government which is a very big positive because of the government debt already. One of the main workers behind the scenes of this legislation was Portland Audubon after they had learned of the deliberate killing of thousands of birds of prey on the west coast by pigeon hobbyists. Overall, this legislation is significant because it should show drastic decreases in migratory bird deaths intentionally caused by humans as the penalties are much stricter now.

Stationary Source Regulations Delay Act
The SSRD Act was introduced to the House on March 4th and referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce on the same day. Sponsored by Democrat representative Nick Rahall along with Democrat Representatives Rick Boucher, Alan Mollohan and Jay Rockefeller, this bill is an attempt to “To suspend, during the 2-year period beginning on the date of enactment of this Act, any Environmental Protection Agency action under the Clean Air Act with respect to carbon dioxide or methane pursuant to certain proceedings, other than with respect to motor vehicle emissions, and for other purposes. Furthermore, the act is meant to put limits on the Clean Air Act with some exceptions.
The four sponsoring congressmen have come under fire because of the Obama administration’s aggressive actions to dominate in the surface coal mining industry and support cap and trade legislation before Congress. According to one article, Representative Boucher said: “EPA regulation of greenhouse gases would be the worst outcome for the coal industry and coal-related jobs.” Boucher went on to say that, “the measure I have introduced will prevent the EPA from acting to regulate greenhouse gas emissions for two years, providing Congress time to approve a thoughtful regulatory program.” Boucher believes that we must find a balance between the actions of EPA with the limits proposed in the SSRD Act. Boucher along with the other representatives realized that they cannot do away with the EPA as a whole but rather finding a balance between the wants of both sides is the best solution. Other supporters of this act include the United Mine Workers of America. President of the United Mine Workers of America, Cecil Roberts believes that the Clean Air Act is not suited to provide the right technology needed to advance carbon capture and storage that the USA will need to combat climate change.
Overall, this bill was created and introduced into the House as these four representatives along with many other supporters believed that limiting the EPA’s capabilities would be best for the environment and greenhouse effects as well as impact on the economy. However environmentalists are fighting to keep the EPA’s authority in place to manage greenhouse emissions and curing the global warning problems. But in the end, the less Congress does on energy and climate, the more important it will be that the Clean Air Act can be allowed to do its job and cut global warming pollution from the largest polluters.

Clean Estuaries Act of 2010; By: Bileili Villegas

The clean estuaries act of 2010 is a bill that will amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act; also known as the Clean Water Act. This bill was sponsored by Rep. Bishop, Timothy.H of New York and was cosponsored by Rep. LoBiondo, Frank of New Jersey.
The clean Estuaries Act of 2010 will require the Estuary Management conferences to implement stricter standards for water use. These conferences are made up of local, state, federal, non-profit entities will be held in order to discuss actions that need to be taken in order maintain ecological health, climate change, and make sure that the subordinates are aware of these objectives and inform the public about ecological health.
The bill revises the current actions the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) is taking toward cleaner water and makes amendments to them, which includes an evaluation every four years to make sure the management is meeting the objectives set. They are required to raise awareness to the public through water conservation education, monitor corporate water use and waste dumping, and by coordinating different strategies with other government agencies to increase effectiveness.
The bill requires any agency that affects estuaries to follow these guidelines.
More information
Definition Estuary:the tidal mouth of a large river, where the tide meets the stream.
Cost: Under the current law, the budget is 35 million, If the legislation is passed it would increase the funding to 75 million a year (through 2011- 2015).
Estuaries and coastal areas are essential to our nation's economic prosperity. According to The Hamptons, “the Coastal counties account for 40 percent of the employment and 49 percent of the economic output for the nation.” (Hamptons). Along with providing employment Estuaries are also essential to beaches. According to The Hamptons, beaches produce between $6 and $30 billion for coastal communities each year. (Hamptons).

Small Business Jobs and Credit Act of 2010; By: Kary Guthrie

Small Business Jobs and Credit Act of 2010

The small business jobs and credit act of 2010, approved with the help of Rep. Nick Rahall, will allow the secretary of treasury to make capital investments in small firms. This will create jobs and increase availability of credit. This legislation aims to strengthen small businesses while offering tax incentives to those companies.

According to Rahall, “Small businesses are the engine of our economy, creating two-thirds of the new jobs over the last 15 years, yet they continue to face a lack of credit and tight lending standards.” This bill will work to guarantee that the small businesses will receive the credit that is necessary.

The act will establish a new $30 billion lending fund, which will leverage up to ten times as much additional private lending activity. There are safeguards built in to guarantee that funds go to the small businesses that will make certain of job creation. The act will also provide tax relief by decreasing capital gains taxes on the institution’s investments and increase tax deductions for entrepreneurs, starting their business. While the small businesses will receive revenue and capital investment, they will have a 10-year deadline to repay the amount back.

Legislation will require this program to extend to companies with an average size of 500 or fewer employees, but in no instance will the legislation extend to companies with more than 750 employees. It will also require credit support to target loans with an average amount of $5 million or less, but no more than $20 million.

This legislation will cost taxpayers $12 per American over the 2011-2015 period, but with this small increase, it will end up saving taxpayers $1 billion or more in assets over the next ten years,

On Thursday, June 15, the legislation passed in the U.S. House of Representatives by a roll call vote of 241 – 182. The legislation arrived in the Senate on June 18, which called for a second cloture motion on the bill that was withdrawn by unanimous consent. An amendment will be added to the bill that will change IRS rules about company provided cell phones. The bill will return to the Senate floor next week.

Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act of 2010; By: Will Merritt

Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act of 2010
This act was approved in Congress in response to the Homeland Security Act of 2002. Amends needed to be made in order for the security of cyberspace information. Under this act that is sponsored by Senator Joseph Lieberman and co-sponsored by Senator Thomas Carper and Senator Susan Collins, the president must approve a Director of Cyberspace Policy. The act also establishes the National Center for Cybersecurity and Communications (NCCC), the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT), and the National Cybersecurity Advisory Council. On a national level, this act is for the protection of information regarding cyberspace.
Most of the bill in general requires the NCCC director to authorize or approve of some legal action that is connected to cybersecurity. The director must also collaborate with the director of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on security detail. This ensures that on a national security level the cyberspace information will not be leaked to outside sources in any way. If there is a breach of national cybersecurity, the NCCC director has already established US-CERT and a Federal Information Task Force. These security forces will always be trained and ready to be enforced because the agency will hire an Inspector General that assesses the effectiveness of the security agencies. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the NCCC director will train the workers for these cybersecurity teams so that they can be ready for the federal government to assign cybersecurity missions. All of the protocols that are taken from the Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act of 2010 are to ensure that the federal, military, and intelligence information are kept safe from criminal activities such as terrorism, foreign intelligence agencies, and unlawful programs.
This act also says that rights of the citizens will always be present. The NCCC director will uphold the civil liberties and privacy of U.S. citizens in any case. Whenever national information is stored in a cyberspace database, the NCCC director will advise and outline security measures for the safe keeping of the important information. The rights of the citizens will be preserved along with necessary measures for keeping national cyber information.

Second Amendment Enforcement Act; By: Travis Russell

Second Amendment Enforcement Act
On April 28, 2010 Senators John McCain and Jon Tester introduced the Second Amendment Enforcement Act. The National Rifle Association (NRA) drafted the bill and intended for it to repeal the public safety laws enacted by the District of Columbia due to the Supreme Court’s decision in the D.C. v. Heller case. The Heller case called for strict gun control in federal enclave areas such as Washington D.C. Some restrictions on gun control were the type of gun one could own and where/how they had to store it in their own house. These rules only applied to residents of the District of Columbia; a person who lived in Washington D.C. could not buy any type of automatic or semi-automatic weapon.
The Second Amendment Enforcement Act would legalize certain weapons; repeal the District’s licensing and registration system; allow certain criminals (without a felony charge on their record) to purchase firearms; and prevent the council from tampering with gun-related laws in the future. Basically, the Second Amendment Enforcement Act would restore the right of self-defense to everyone, no matter where a person lives. Because of the Second Amendment Enforcement Act residents of the District of Columbia can now purchase semi-automatic weapons. For obvious reasons, certain assault weapons still remain illegal to purchase. States such as California, Maryland, and Massachusetts have similar laws concerning assault weapons and these laws have been in place for a significant amount of time.
Another restriction that remains in effect today is the way one must store a gun if they live with a minor. A person who lives with a minor and owns a firearm must keep the firearm in a securely locked location or keep the firearm within a proximity that allows them to easily retrieve it. This way of storing firearms does not conflict with a person’s ability to use a firearm for self defense and it also keeps minors from hurting themselves accidentally.
Washington D.C.’s current firearm laws outlined by the Second Amendment Enforcement Act were recently deemed constitutional. This is because none of the restrictions affect a resident’s right to self-protection. The reason firearm laws are such a heated topic in the District of Columbia is because it is our nation’s capitol and lawmakers want to do everything they can to keep our leaders safe. Fortunately the lawmakers finally found a way to balance the safety of our capitol safe and satisfy people’s rights to self-protection.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Simulation ends as Obama signs "Healthier Foods Act" into law

ACC-SPAN Washington DC: Amidst Cheers and champagne corks, the President today signed the "Healthier Foods act" into law, thus ending the congressional session-which turned out to be in reality only a Community College "Simulation." ACC-SPAN would like to offer a full apology, we got a weird tip and we showed up at the school and saw the pillars and all of the books, and we were almost certain we were in the right place. Still, for a simulation, it was pretty good.Had our entire staff fooled.Full Play-by-Play at:!/pages/ACCSPAN/108370439192685?ref=ts

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Right now! Senatorial play-by-play at!/pages/ACCSPAN/108370439192685?ref=search&sid=1007815311.466131421..1

Senate Sex Scandal???

ACC-SPAN WASHINGTON DC: Just hours before the Senate will meet to debate important and controversial legislation ranging from energy to the elderly, An envelope containing a single photograph was left on the doorstep of ACC-SPAN headquarters. The photograph depicts what appears to be Senator Barbera Boxer (D-CA), and Senator Harry Reid (D-VT)locked in a romantic embrace, in the front seat of a vintage Buick. Both party's camps have been unreachable since the photo was released, and ACC-SPAN awaits a statement from each.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A H.E.L.Ping of controversy

ACC-SPAN Washington DC: Tensions raised during a meeting of the Senate Committee on Housing, Energy, Labor and Penions, Wednesday. Fierce debate raged over a proposal by President Obama to extend elderly care.Horns locked between Al Franken (D-MN), and the ever-Conservative Michael Enzi (R-WY, ACC-SPAN cameras were there.

Committee on Environment, Public Works hash out this sessions proposed legislation.

ACC-SPAN Washington DC

Ideas flew at Monday's preliminary meeting of the Senate committee on the Environment and Public Works. Most were batted down by the waving hands of opposition, some took flight and will be pushed forward for floor debate.
The committe led off with a controversial proposal by Oklahoma Conservative
James M. Inhofe, with the “Removal of Ethanol Act of 2010” Mr.Inhofe states as a primary benefit that removing or reducing Ethanol from fuel related products will decrease cost of corn (syrup) for edible consumption, moreover,it will decrease cost of fuel pump filters, which is increasing as more ethanol is going bad.

The discussion did not reach a depth as the consensus was very much in opposition of removing ethanol. An option would be to increase production of fuel flex cars instead of getting rid of ethanol.
The Bill was voted 9 in favor of removing the bill

Next was the Democratic legislative team of Barbara Boxer and Harry Reid, and their “Proper Disposal of Mercury Act.”
Most agreed with the need for better disposal of Mercury, there were, however, contentions in the area of storage and transportation. Suggested changes made:
(a) All mercury containers should be placed in a larger container with a tight fitting lid.
(b) Kitty litter or oil-absorbent matter around product during transportation
(c) Label all containers containing mercury
(d) you must wait for a hazardous waste collection day, store products safely in their containers with labels intact, and keep them out of reach of children and pets.
(e) Transport container to a household hazardous collection center in a cardboard box. Secure them so they do not tip over. This will minimize shifting or sliding during sudden or turns.
(f) Transport containers in the back of a pick-up truck or in a car trunk. If you must transport in the passenger compartment, make sure there is adequate ventilation.
Sec. 3 Recycling and Disposal
(a) All state and local agencies will have developed collection/exchange programs for mercury-containing devises, such as thermometers, manometers, and thermostats, and recycling programs for fluorescent light bulbs. All counties and cities must also have household hazardous waste collection programs.
(b) If you improperly dispose of products with mercury in them, they may break and release mercury vapors which are harmful to human and ecological health, so all mercury has to be disposed of properly, if not then heavy taxing will be imposed.
The committee unanimously agreed that proper disposal is necessary. Arlen Specter(D-Pa) brought a good point to the table, reminding us that in 1997 he voted in favor disposing of excess mercury inside the Yucca mountains in Nevada. 6 voted in favor of imposing a tax to fun safe removal and fines be placed on those that don’t dispose of mercury properly.
Next on the roster was Senator David Vitter(D-LA)- “Hybrid Car and Green Environment Act of 2010” which Proposes a minimum quota of 10% to car manufacturers in The United States of America to produce hybrid cars
Sec. 3 Proposes
(a) To reduce the toxic pollutants on city roads
(b) Promote a healthier or green environment for city roads
(c) Reduce the noise pollution on city roads
(d) Reduce the nation’s consumption of automobile fuel
Senator Vitter stated this would not only reduce our dependency on oil and increase jobs as well. Senator Reid(D-NV) speculated the over the higher cost if hybrids, around $7000 stated by Vitter. Senator Specter(D-PA) mentioned the positive response from the Cash for Clunkers rebate receiving up to $4500, “which is more than enough to put on a down payment on a hybrid”. The final decision was that in order to consider the bill more research needed to be done.

Senator Mitch McConnell(R-KY)-“Enhancing Mining Operations Act” definitely had the coal lobby's black fingerprints all over it.
Sec. 2
(a) Redirect $0.01 on the dollar of federal energy tax revenue to Kentucky Center for Technologies, in order to develop technologies that are cleaner and safer, for the fiscal years of 2011 and 2012
Sec. 3 Allow continued production of coal mining industries in absence of EPA permit
(a) Coal mining companies may begin/continue operations in six months of submitting proper permit applications with the EPA
(b) The EPA is not permitted to enforce a stop operations of a mining companies production after a company’s permit application has been submitted for a period of six months and has not been processed.
(c) If the EPA has reviewed and processed the application within the six month time frame, then part (a) of sec. 3 no longer applies
(d) If the EPA processes permit application after the six month period and part (a) has been acted upon, and succinctly find a company incongruent with the environmental guidelines, then that company must have no less than one months notice to stop operations
Christopher Bond(R-MO) opposed sec. 3 (a) “You cannot tell a business mining for over 50 years to stop production while a permit is being processed, it will go out of business.” He proposed a grace period be made to continue production while waiting on the permit. If the permit doesn’t pass then enact sec. 3 (d) . The committee agreed unanimously to revise the wording of Sec. 3 this bill awaits the greenlight.

Bi-Partisan tensions smoulder as Republicans release official rebuttal to Monday's SOTU address

ACC-SPAN Washington:On the steps of Austin Community College,(still, both the Executive and Legislative branches are being tight-lipped about the important role such an obscure and modest learning institution has been playing in the political happenings of late. We can only speculate.) Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell delivered rousing opposition to the Obama administration's plans for the coming year. The Republican leadership has a tough road ahead, as polls show favorable public opinion remains for the President and the Congressional majority, even following the passionate and eloquent speech given by Mr.McConnel:

"In my state of Kentucky, as well as in the rest of the U.S., we’re suffering from severe job shortages. In times like these the government should encourage job creation. Some of the legislation we have seen proposed recently not only inhibits jobs, but in some instances destroys jobs altogether. The Democrat’s have introduced 34% more bills than Republicans that impose more limitations than anything else. We should be working to help hard working Americans, not enacting laws that make things harder on them. I think my fellow Republicans and I can agree that exploring green, alternative energy is beneficial to America in the long run, but we can also agree that using our natural resources that we have here is imperative to loosening our dependence on foreign oil. If we have to wait for green energy to encompass the whole of the U.S. then we could be waiting for well over a decade for that goal to be realized. My opinion is why wait to be energy independent when we can mine for more coal and drill for oil off of our coast right now. Another issue that is of concern in America right now is health care. We all want every American to have health care coverage, but an approach should be taken that will not entrench America in more debt; debt that will be detrimental to our children. Our future generations will be indebted due to actions that we are taking right now, and that is an undue burden that the recent health care legislation is contributing to. The American people have spoken and what they want is to have the government stay out of their business. It’s not the federal government’s duty to sweep down and make individuals be responsible and healthy as per how they see fit. Americans don’t want to be told, and they especially don’t want to be mandated, on how to conduct their private affairs. This administration has encouraged the partisan bill passing machine that is taking place in today’s congress. We need to work towards bipartisan efforts to come to a consensus on all major legislation that will affect the entire country. More importantly, we need to revisit the principle of small government that this country was founded on."

Apologies for the poor audio.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Official SOTU transcript released today

Acc-Span Washington DC:

President Barack Obama released the transcripts of Monday's State of the Union Address:

Vice President Biden, Madame Speaker, Members of
Congress, distinguished guests and fellow Americans:

I awoke this morning with great excitement.
As I prepared for the day, I remembered my esteemed duty.
And as I just now walked to stand in front of you all, I
became surrounded by tranquil pride. Pride for my nation,
my countrymen, and for the future of which I am about to

Americans: We have achieved change through recent
legislation. Sprouted from hope each and every American
will now never fear becoming ill for financial reasons.
Instead, they can focus on healing and those who cannot
heal will live their last days in peace; knowing that they
will not leave their loved ones in debt. Our children will
never be denied treatment; your brother will be able to afford

his medication. But what about your mother?
Your grandmother?
Should they not also be allowed quality care when they can no
longer fend for themselves? Why is it that you and I can afford
healthcare, yet our parents and their parents before them cannot
afford care in their elderly and immobile years? The answer is
simple: because we haven’t yet made it so.

We have before us a stepping stone that can, with careful
masonry, pave the way to an impressive road of
accomplishment. Changes in health care took a long time
to achieve, let’s not wait longer to protect the future of
our cherished ones’ elderly stages of life; a future that we
will all, let’s face it (chuckle), eventually encounter.

Not only are private care facilities costly, they are often
times dangerous. Do you want to place your grandmother
into an institution where her chances of being abused,
exploited, or neglected are extremely high? If she does,
infact, experience such adversity and is unable to speak
for herself, who will defend her?
We will. Through detailed legislation we can create safe,
reliable and affordable institutions for our older
Americans. Let us improve upon the change we’ve already
made and perfect the America that you and I have all dreamed
of. Let us love our mothers and fathers such as they loved us
and ensure to them an enjoyable life after youth.

Now…I would like to address the issue that we all want to
tackle: unemployment. Many of you are concerned at the
newest employment situation summary that was released this
Friday. Rightfully you should be, but let me highlight some
inspiring facts.

The number of unemployed persons has finally slowed.
In fact, March’s unemployment rate was little changed from
that of February. Perhaps this doesn’t seem like a step up,
but I believe it things will surely begin to improve. When it
comes to the marginally attached, only a small change was
detected from last year’s discouraged workers and this year’s.
This means that people are still looking. Now is not the time
to give up! Now is the time to press on more than ever before!
With employment in fields such as health care, mining, and
federal government increasing, it’s evident that we can sustain
attainable employment. But what about those of us who are
not doctors or senators? What can we do?

At one time in America’s history we faced this very same
dilemma, and the answer then is the same answer now:
the launch of economic recovery programs. President
Roosevelt created, in his genius, hundreds of programs
that provided work stability for unemployed Americans.
I can think of no better time than now to continue this
practice and start providing employment to able Americans.

Now I know that the Republicans in this room are
unsupportive of such a controversial suggestion, but let
me ask you this: Do you know a fellow friend or family
member who is unemployed? Have you consoled someone
while they sobbed over a lost mortgage or expressed worry
over how their children would get to school because just
yesterday the family vehicle repossessed? If you haven’t,
you are lucky, but rest assured that those sad days will soon
come. That is, if we unless we do something about it!

This is the time to decide if you will be your brother’s
keeper, or exile him into preventable suffering. Work with
me as I help your brother stand on his two feet again; for
I see the people of this nation as rightful recipients of
happiness, not as unequal groups of democrats and
republicans. Unite with me on this front and together we
can get this nation to once again stand tall.

I’m going to tell you now that I will not pass legislation
requesting the lowering of taxes, for they will be the aid
in providing the afore mentioned programs that I plan to
create. I will, however, meet you on some productive
middle ground in which the people of this nation are
helped, and never hindered. Cooperation from all parties
is what’s needed to improve this pressing issue.
Our futures lay before us unknown, but I do not want
them to remain unplanned. Let us make a plan, a plan that
every American can be proud to have been a part of; a plan
that our future generations will thank us for.

Thank you. God Bless You. And God Bless the U.S of A.

Monday, April 5, 2010

State of the Union Address

ACC-SPAN Washinton DC: The President delivered to a beleaguered nation, this afternoon,the traditional State of the Union Address.Prescriptions for ailing Health, Economic, and Security systems were among the key topics. To a Senate chamber packed with colleagues, some respectfully-but noticeably-silent,most uproariously in praise of Obama and his controversial administration's sweeping changes; the young president kept his trademark cool and delivered a stunning speech. Stay tuned to ACC-SPAN for Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell's rebuttal, following Cooking with Biden at its regular time slot, after The Liberal Guilt Quilting Bee, and before The National Rifle Association Classic Theatre's broadcast of the immortal John Wayne feature: Tough, Grizzled Cowboy who mumbles and spits.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

State of the Union address Monday, Obama vows more change:"This is just the beginning of the America I dream of. "

ACC-SPAN Washington DC
In a statement made saturday from a Camp David Easter-egg hunt, President Obama spoke of Monday's scheduled State of the Union address, saying he'd "Speak about improving the change we have already accomplished." Obama, who has faced fierce opposition from the right for his administration's sweeping reforms, went on to assure the public that: "This is just the beginning of the America I dream of." He made no comment on the unprecedented choice of holding the address at noon, in an Austin,Texas community college Government class.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Washington DC (ACC-SPAN)

The deadline was Wednesday for submission of Senate Bill proposals.Senate committees on Health, Education,Labor and Pensions; and Environment and Public works released a list of proposed Legislation this session. The proposals will now be appraised by the committes, to decide the few that will merit further consideration. Among the proposed legislation:

Environment and Public works:
Hybrid Car and Green Environment Act of 2010
Proper Mercury disposal Act of 2010
Removal of Ethanol Act of 2010
Enhancing Coal Mining Operations Act of 2010

Health,Education,Labor and Pensions:
Prison Stability Act of 2010
Health Care Indebtedness Act of 2010
Healthy Foods in Public Schools Act of 2010
Reliable Convalescent Care Act of 2010
Puppy Mill Act of 2010

Congressional Schedule released

Washington DC (ACC-SPAN)

Congress, today, released to the public their legislation schedule for April:

April 5th: 12pm - 12:15pm President’s State of The Union Address (Location: classroom)
12:20pm - 12:30pm Republican Response (Location: classroom)
12:35- ?? (Locations TBA)
April 7th: 12pm - 1:15pm Committee Meetings and Hearings (Locations TBA),April 8th: 7pm - 9pm? Floor Debate (Location: RGC 016)