Monday, August 2, 2010

Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009; By: Jackson Coon

Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009
This bill is currently in committee and will be a great success if it is passed and turned into law. The Act is beneficial to all citizens and provides a sense of comfort to the consumer when they eat and assures them of a safe meal wherever they choose to eat. Food agencies do not have strict enough regulations on how their food is obtained, processed and transported and this act sets down those standards in order to have a safer and more consumer friendly food industry. It sets guidelines for all registered food manufacturers, industries and international businesses which will eventually create a safer food department in the United States.
The bill is thorough and direct with the regulations that the federal government wants on these food industries. For example: The bill requires any food facility to implement a food safety plan before any shipment of products, it also states that food facilities must be inspected on a risk-based schedule and requires the secretary to implement a food and safety program. These are just some of the many requirements and revisions that have been place in the bill. The bill is split into two Titles, Food Safety and Miscellaneous. Food Safety is split into three subtitles, Prevention, Intervention and Response. Prevention is mainly about the regulation of the facilities and preventing unsafe materials into these industries. Intervention prescribes a series of tasks that the secretary must do in order to improve sanitation of facilities and to get the message across about how serious food safety is to the success of a business. Response focuses on the penalties and punishments that will be given out if the food facilities do not abide by the restrictions set forth by this bill. Title two is primarily about the little details that the facilities must go by like how all industries must have their own label so that the industries who receive their product know that they got the right regulated food.
This bill is very in depth and specific but the regulations involved in it will have an immediate impact on the food industries. This will decrease the amount of diseases in our country and the food market will finally be trustworthy. If this bill doesn’t get passed then we as Americans have lost a great opportunity to take a stand against unregulated and unsafe food.

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